Publication Note

The following “review” was originally written for Kill Screen, but both the magazine and the review itself are long since dead. The semantic toys with which I am playing here require the use of a fixed line-length, which may mean this does not look pretty on mobile. Landscape is better. Mea culpa.

You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. All games are ultimately a form of You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. imposed solipsism. It’s all about you. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You are surrounded by Link: Navi. Epona. King of Red Lions. Ganon. Zelda.
Fenix: Dom. Carmine. Cole.heroes, people who Sam. Alex. Jack. Baird. Anya.
Freeman: Alex. Barney. Dog. Grigori. in any other situation would G-Man.
Mario: be gods themselves, but Luigi. Peach. Toad. Yoshi. Kong. Rosalina.
Chell: Wheatley. GLaDOS.who are reduced Weighted Companion Cube. Caroline.
Samus: to little more than props in your life. Ghor. The Chozo. Gandrayda.
Shepard: Joker. Tali’zorah. Liara. Wrex. Garrus. Kaidan. Ashley. Anderson.
Drake:Yours is the life that changes the world.Elena. Sully. Tenzin. Jeff.
Chief: Cortana. Sarge. Arbiter. Keyes. Keyes. Halsey. Spark. Buck. Dutch.
Marston: Uncle. Bonnie. Irish. Everyone else is just a foil in your story.
Kratos: Every single person in the game is there for you. Athena. Pandora.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You find a body slumped over a console. Maybe his computer You.
You. has a note about his dinner plans. You scan the note, get You. You.
You. his password, and open his safe. This is how you get your You. You.
You. new gun. He has lived, and he has died, so that you can You. You.
You. have a new gun.You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
The Vault-Dweller. The Chosen One. In each of the Fallout games, you don’t
even get a name–just a role, an identity.
The Lone Wanderer. Courier Six.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You are just you. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. In New Vegas, you begin by losing your memory. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You.Your character knows as little as you do about herself.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. And so you are deceived into the belief that the story is about You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You decide the fate of Mr. House. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You choose who gains control of Hoover Dam. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You hoard the power of Helios One, or you share it. You. You.
You. You. You kill Benny, or you let him live. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You who have no past, build the future. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. Elijah brought the Brotherhood of Steel to Helios One, so You.
You. they would be bloodied by the NCR and left to rot, so they would You.
You. find their way to their hidey-hole in Hidden Valley, so thatYou. You.
You. they would be there, waiting, for you to come calling. Christine You.
You. and Veronica fell in love, so that when Elijah wrought horrors You.
You. in the Waste, Christine would be sent away, so that VeronicaYou. You.
You. would be lost, lonely, and in need of a guide, so that she could You.
You. follow you through the Mojave like a charming, exuberantly You. You.
You. violent puppy. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. Joshua Graham made an error in translation so the Blackfoot You.
You. Tribe would kidnap Edward Sallow, so that the Legion would be You.
You. made, so that they would fall at the First Battle of Hoover Dam, You.
You. so that Caesar would set his champion ablaze, so that he would You.
You. need a new one, so that he would invite you into his tent, so You.
You. that you could choose the fate of the Mojave.You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. Until you begin Dead Money. Honest Hearts. You. You. You.
You. You. You. Old World Blues. Lonesome Road. Until you You. You. You.
You. You. You. have dug yourself out of each of them. At which You. You.
You. You. You. point, you realize that the what is happening is You. You.
You. You. You. something else entirely. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. When you play Dead Money, you realize that Christine and You.
You. Veronica were lovers, and that that affair is a story, and that You.
You. Elijah is their villain. When you play Old World Blues, you You. You.
You. realize how doggedly Christine tracked Elijah through the Waste You.
You. until he captured her, and how ferocious her hate must have You. You.
You. been. You follow her from sniper’s perch to sniper’s perch, You. You.
You. imagining her watching as Elijah tested his collars on the You. You.
You. ghouls of Little Yangtze, and you realize how deep her horror You.
You. was to find that collar on her own neck. You understand that she You.
You. has a story as rich and deep as yours, and that Fallout: NewYou. You.
You. Vegas is her story as much as it is yours. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You.
You. You. When you play Honest Hearts, you realize that The Burned ManYou.
You. isn’t a legend–or rather, that his legend is broader and deeper You.
You. than the horror story of the Legion. You realize that it You. You.
You. stretches forward into the wild future of the tribes of Zion, You.
You. and back to the deep past of Joseph Smith. You realize that You. You.
You. there are many ways to burn, and many ways to be made new. And You.
You. when you play Lonesome Road, you realize that the conflict you You.
You. fell into in Honest Hearts was not between the White Legs and You.
You. the Dead Horses, but two of Caesar’s severed tentacles, eachYou. You.
You. writhing toward destruction in the Canyon of Zion.You. You. You. You.
You understand, in fact, that the game is not your
story. It is the story of Christine, of Elijah, of Veronica, of
Ulysses, of Joshua Graham, of Caesar, of ED-E, of the Big MT,
and of the Courier Six who lived before Benny’s bullet dropped
you into her vacant mind. In bits and pieces throughout the DLC,
you see these people dance around each other, darting in and out
of each others’ lives as they flit through your past and

A man goes for a hike. His wife, Char, and his son, Alex,
stay home. As he drives back to them, he sees a flash of light,
and watches his world consumed in fire, and understands that
everything he knows is lost. Char is gone. Alex is gone. In the
blear of his grief, he stumbles into a cave, where scientists
have abandoned some food stores. For months, he weeps in that
cave, until it is safe for him to wander dizzily into his
incomprehensible new world. He sees one tribe take another
captive, and drives off the intruders with his meager store of
weapons. He finds a woman, Sylvie, caught in one of his traps.
He cares for her wounds, and finds he cares for her, and soon
they are in love, and she is pregnant. His life is meaningful
again. A wife. A son. Not replacements to the ones he lost, but
successors. When the time comes, his son–Michael–is born breech,
and does not survive. Sylvie, too, is lost. He begins to think
of ending his own life. Desperate for something to care for, he
finds a group of children in need of guidance, and from his
hideout in the caves he leads them from concealment, until they
believe he is a loving god. When he realizes his life is ending,
he seeks a place where they will not find his body, and he hides
himself there to wait for death. On a hilltop overlooking a
river, he dies. For 157 years, he rests alone with his sorrows.

When you find his body, his gun becomes your gun. His life
was his life. His story was his story. His rifle is a relic of
his loss, and a monument to a world that lived and died before
you were born, and that will live and die again when you are
gone, a world in which you do not mean enough to even have a

When he calls you to the Great Divide, Ulysses–the other
Courier, a man whose legend has haunted your travels–tells you
of a life you led before you were You, when the Courier you
control had a mind of her own, and a name, and a history. He
tells you of a community you (or rather, not-You) built from
the ground to the sky, and how, with casual ease, you pummeled
it to ash. Ulysses is the only survivor of the life you don’t
remember, and the part of the story you control is, really,
just an epilogue. And when you, with casual ease, push a button
to open a door, and launch a nuclear missle at an unsuspecting
township, he reminds you that your story–Courier Six’s story,
America’s story, NCR’s story, the Legion’s story, the Fallout
story–is not truly under your control.

Christine is a story. Joshua Graham is a story. Elijah is a
story. Veronica is a story. Ulysses is a story. Caesar is a
story. ED-E is a story. The Big MT is a story. America is a
story. You change each incidentally, as you pass by, and each
changes you, as it passes by.

You kill a Marked Man, or an NCR Ranger, and you don’t know
what game you’re ending–what narrative, what quest, that ranger
was on. They are, of course, still the same mindless AI that
drives every other enemy in every other game. But what Ulysses
teaches you is that each of those creatures is not just a mob,
but a character, with a mother and a father, a home, a love, a life
that you will never see. Ulysses shows you that every choice you
make is full of hidden costs. He makes you realize that you
play other roles than “protagonist.” That there are
other ways of seeing.

That this game–this world, this universe–was never about
you at all.